The Jotter Nook

The firsts we experience once

What are your memories of experiencing something for the first time?

In two days, I will be taking two long-haul flights with my almost 4-year-old in tow, as we make our way back home for the summer break. Having never travelled by plane alone before, I now have ahead of me the maiden experience of navigating the many-stepped journey ahead on my own, all whilst keeping a highly unpredictable little human happy. What kind of first experience will I have? My wondering can only throw up numerous possibilities and no certain conclusion. I can only find my answer when I get there, and I do hope that it will be a pleasant one.

What are some of the memorable first times you have had?

I have such fond memories of my first outdoor camping experience at eight. I remember my wide-eyed wonder and the unspoken yet tangible amazement I felt inside, as I drank all these experiences in for the first time in my life. Sitting in an amphitheatre of sorts, shining my torch towards the sky, straining and failing to spot the constellations pointed out—this moment here sparked my lasting fondness for gazing at stars in the night sky. Wrapped in darkness, I lay down close to damp, cool grass, and fell asleep to the unfamiliar lullaby of waves splashing and crickets chirping. I woke up unaccustomedly early before sunrise and found the dark and cool of the morning surprisingly invigorating. The breakfast of cereal and fresh milk was memorable—the feeling of cold milk in my mouth was pleasant, and I was surprised that the milk actually tasted good! (A far cry from the lukewarm milk mixed from water and milk powder I was made to drink at home.)

If only I could jump back in time and savour these moments again—these magical moments that come but once in a lifetime. But alas, we have only one chance to experience something new for the first time, before the unknown ceases to be unknown and the unfamiliar becomes familiar if not expected. My four-year-old has many firsts ahead of him, of which many would, I hope, become cherished memories. As for me, I will hold my memories to heart, and seek to embrace the many more firsts that come my way.