The Jotter Nook

One Year On

Today marks a year since we moved to this city. It has been quite a journey—marked by significant distance and considerable growth. (I would have wished to use "exceptional" instead of "considerable", but I need to learn to content with my own pace.) I came with excitement, hopes and expectations on what my life would be like here. The reality that I had to contend with was far different—this place is not all that I thought it would be, and I am not all that I hoped I could be. I am still trying to figure out life, and figure out "me".

As I had tried and failed to write my reflections on the year that has passed, I will now attempt to list some of the new things I have experienced. If anything, they are an indication of how difficult it was for me at the start to adjust to things here, and how over time I have become accustomed to them, even for the things that I do dislike.

I am thankful for many firsts at this age, that have made me grow, little by little.